My recently published article on data sharing and analytics in life sciences

I recently had an article published in the European Pharmaceutical Contractor’s summer issue. The Wealth of Information starts from the premise that the convergence of separate health systems (payers, providers, life sciences, etc.) along with greater connectivity, mobility and the advent of social media into healthcare  is leading to an enormous increase in data. Organisations are struggling to work out what to do with it and the question is not only being wrestled by the the IT department but also across the supply chain, into marketing and even into the HR department. There is no doubt that the use of the collective data offers potential benefits across the entire healthcare ecosystem – from selecting the best drug candidates and targeting the right patients for clinical trials in R&D to personalising treatment management and investing in holistic care for the chronically sick.  The article concludes with 5 ways that life sciences organisations  can harness and share that data to create insights, inform actions and drive better outcomes both withing their 4 walls but also across all the entire healthcare ecosystem.

I welcome your thoughts and comments on the article